WHM Work Connections CLC service will be closed on Friday 18th April (Good Friday) & Monday 21st April (Easter Monday).

The WHM Education EOTAS provision will be closed on the 14th April and reopen on Monday 28th April. * please note this is for students only not workmates


Please note that we will be using this area of the website to keep parents and carers up to date with the latest news and information from relevant sources.


Despite many Government measures now being relaxed, WHM continues to maintain high safety standards. WHM Management Team continues to review measures regularly to ensure that the workmates and staff team remain safe and to reduce risks.

We appreciate your on-going support

If you test positive you must not attend WHM Work Connections



You no longer need to complete regular Lateral Flow tests each week.

Instead, we ask that you complete a Lateral flow test if:

  • You have any symptoms
  • Someone you live with tests positive
  • You return from holiday or have been somewhere with lots of people (i.e. a concert or large party)

Tests should be completed at home in the morning before you attend.

WHM can provide you with test kits if required.

You must let WHM know immediately if you test positive.


If someone you live with tests positive

If someone you live with tests positive for COVID 19 then you can still attend your WHM service. But you must:

  • Let WHM know immediately
  • Wear a mask when attending
  • Complete a Lateral Flow Test each morning before attending


The WHM staff team are currently in the process of getting their COVID Boosters.

Contact your GP to book your booster.


Although these measures may seem excessive WHM is an essential service that supports vulnerable adults with a range of health needs. By being cautious we can hugely reduce the risk of any future outbreaks.


Please contact the main office 01509 812004 to discuss these points or any further questions you may have.

Thank you

Oolong Oolong Oolong