WHM Work Connections CLC service will be closed on Friday 18th April (Good Friday) & Monday 21st April (Easter Monday).

The WHM Education EOTAS provision will be closed on the 14th April and reopen on Monday 28th April. * please note this is for students only not workmates

Greenfields Skills Centre

Training Opportunities

As well as supporting you to develop your life and work skills WHM Work Connections can support you to work towards and to achieve qualifications.

Qualifications can help you to get a job or work placement, get you onto further training and give you a record of your skills. Our trained support workers will work with you to develop your knowledge and skills in the area of your choice and then when you are ready we can assess you to get a qualification.

Our Training Coordinator Becks will work with you to identify the right qualifications for you.

You can choose a Vocational Courses in any of these areas:

  • Hospitality, catering and retail
  • IT
  • Land based Services- Horticulture
  • Craft, design and technology
  • Vehicle maintenance
  • Land based Services- Floristry
  • Recycling
  • Woodwork
  • Land based Services – Poultry
  • Land based Services – Agricultural Animals
  • Land based Services – Animal Care
  • Land based Services – Horse care
  • Land based Services- Conservation

We can work with you to get Entry Level, Level 1 and Level 2 City & Guilds Awards.

The Qualifications

This is not your average classroom assessment! You will be assessed in lots of different ways, this may include; observations, writing answers, answering questions, worksheets, demonstrations and scenarios.

Unlike colleges we do not have strict time limits, you can complete the qualifications in as much time as you need and in a way that suits you.

We will work with you to develop your own folder which will record your progress, it will be full of notes, worksheets photographs and pictures of you completing the various activities/ tasks.

The qualification is accredited by Ofqual on the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF). It also forms part of the Foundation Learning Tier (FLT).
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