WHM Work Connections CLC service will be closed on Friday 18th April (Good Friday) & Monday 21st April (Easter Monday).
The WHM Education EOTAS provision will be closed on the 14th April and reopen on Monday 28th April. * please note this is for students only not workmates
WHM is realistic in its approach to skill development and getting individuals into work and has a four step approach to support this process;
By addressing individual health and social care needs we ensure that you receive a high quality and cost effective service that meets your changing needs.
Our Care Coordinator ensures that all primary needs are met and comprehensive support plans and risk assessments are in place.
To ensure that we provide a comprehensive service under the provisions of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 WHM is registered with the Care Quality Commission meaning that we can fully support individuals and all of their support needs within our skills centres, the community and within their own homes (if required).
Individuals are supported to develop/maintain their skills through a vast range of activities including;
Meal planning, shopping, ironing, cleaning, use of household appliances, Personal hygiene/ presentation
Road safety, keep safe techniques, using public transport Photography
i.e. Melton Market
WHM can support you to achieve certified qualifications whilst developing your skills at our Skills Centres. Having a skilled team of internal and external tutors/ assessors means that we miss no opportunity to support you to progress.
To ensure that individuals gain a true understanding of ‘work’ there is opportunity to become a member of a number of social enterprises.
WHM supported its users to develop their own company in early 2016 called Countryside Enterprises. It is a ‘community interest company’, which means it is owned and run by an appointed board of trustees and its members. All decisions regarding the enterprises and its profits are made by the board/members.
Being part of the enterprises enables individuals to work as part of a team, gain work experience, develop their work ethos, and consider health & safety within a working environment. Involvement within the enterprises also helps individuals to make informed decisions about the type of work they would like to pursue.
A number of the current enterprises are proving very successful and the individuals involved receive a profit share at the end of each month.
Our Work skills coordinator and job coaches spends time with each individual to support them to identify suitable employment opportunities. From job searching, applications, interviews, liaising with employers and supporting whilst within employment our skilled staffing team help you every step of the way to find and successfully sustain employment.
Greenfields Skills Centre
Hawley Fields Farm
60 Green Lane
Leicestershire LE12 7LU
T: 01509 812 004
M: 07398 033 270
Fairfields Skills Centre
Homestead Farm
1447 Melton Road
Leicestershire LE7 3FP
T: 0116 264 0127
M: 07398 033 270
Six Acres Skills Centre
Six Acre Nurseries
Loughborough Road
Leicestershire LE12 6XB
T: 01509 812 004
M: 07398 033 270
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