WHM Work Connections CLC service will be closed on Friday 18th April (Good Friday) & Monday 21st April (Easter Monday).

The WHM Education EOTAS provision will be closed on the 14th April and reopen on Monday 28th April. * please note this is for students only not workmates

WHM Education (EOTAS)

We are very excited about our journey into the world of education and further Education provision! 

For the past fourteen years WHM Work Connections has developed itself as an innovative and renowned Community Life Choices Service within Leicestershire. Our service offers meaningful day time occupation for adults with Learning Disabilities; skill development; opportunities to be part of or develop your own social enterprise; as well as focused support to get work ready and gain employment. The next logical step for us was to develop the training and educational opportunities that WHM Work Connections could offer and look into the associated land-based qualifications people would require if entering into work. 

Our Skills Centres are located on real traditional working environments, two farms and a horticultural nursery. These have proven enormously beneficial to the individuals accessing our service and have provided fantastic learning opportunities that cannot be found in a classroom.

Our practical approach to learning and skill development and excellent established facilities will provide a unique and alternative approach to education. 

Our experience and expertise within the learning disability sector also means that we will ensure that all students receive  high quality personalised support to support them on the education pathway. 

To find out more call 01509 812004 or email education@whmeducation.co.uk

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